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The Agri and Affiliated Sectors Provident Fund comprises various plans, with each plan offering unique benefits. These plans are compiled in such a way as to offer individual member’s death, capital disability, accidental death/bodily loss and funeral benefits at affordable premiums with the inclusion of a savings component. The savings component is based on the gross contributions for every member of the Fund less the costs of administration, death, capital disability, accidental death/bodily loss and funeral benefits. The effectiveness of the savings component depends on the level of contributions, as well as the period over which contributions are made. The savings period of members who only joined the Fund at an older age is much shorter than those of younger members and subsequently, their Fund values will also be lower at retirement.
The Fund is extremely flexible and can satisfy a variety of needs while still straight forward enough to ease administration and limit costs.
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This unique Employee Benefits solution offers retirement, withdrawal, death, capital disability and funeral benefits in one comprehensive package. This fund is ideal for small businesses and home employees. Administration by Absa Consultants and Actuaries.
By registering your employees as members of the fund, your social responsibilities towards them at retirement, in the case of disablement or unforeseen death and the resulting funeral costs and financial assistance required by dependants afterwards, decrease significantly.
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Each business has a unique need when it depends on designing a benefit structure for their employees. Our Tailormade Employee Benefit options gives you the employer the advantage to design a benefit structure that will suit your employee’s most important needs.
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